This has been some crazy weeks!!! Last week I'd actually both taken the photos for the weekly update in time as well as prepare for a wrecking post that WASN'T part of a weekly update. But that week I ran in to a bunch of computer problems that postponed everything. And on the Sunday I all of a sudden got a new kitten! (Yes, pretty much that surprising) After that she's taken most of my time since (especially in the beginning since I had to introduce her to my older cats.)
So before we move on the wrecking, here is my little sweetie Smulan. As all kittens she's a fellow wrecker. LOL

Smulan! (14 weeks)
The onwards to the wrecking. The front cover is getting a bit full of fruit stickers now (there's a text sticker in the bottom left corner that you can hardly see) so I've started gluing them to the back now. And it's still just bananas that come with stickers right now. *sigh*

Week 26

The wrecking I did last week was actually a hard one. I can't do easy ones all the time can I? LOL It wasn't hard as in a lot of work but it was one of the challenges where I've had to force through once of my barriers. You just don't play with food or waste food!!! That's for spoiled and rich people. And it also felt REALLY yucky to smear food in the journal.

I've been given this one a lot of thoughts since I got the journal because i couldn't come up with a way to interpret it that felt okay to me but still was true to the challenge. Documenting the dinner with a photo felt like cheating and using something like fruit juice or jam (that felt like less yucky to stain the blog with) wasn't actually dinner. So what to do????
Then I boiled some of my home grown runner beans (that you're probably very familiar with if you follow my balcony blog) and saw that the water turned green and came up with a solution that felt both comfortable enough but also didn't feel like cheating. The beans WERE a major part of my dinner, but nothing got wasted, the journal didn't become yucky and it still made and interesting change to the paper. Yay!

Staining in hot water


The result!
This week I haven't done any wrecking though, I've left that part to Smulan (so far she's only wrecked candle and one of her toys. LOL)

Week 27