My evil internet/phone/TV provider has been giving me a lot of problems (and a lot less of internet/phone/TV) the last couple of days (not ALL the time, only when I have time to blog) so I'm a bit behind with things now so this update will be a big one.

I started yesterday (Tuesday) with a more destructive challenge. Now, I'm usually one of those people that have a hard time throwing things away (not to the point where it's a problem though) but this one was actually quite easy. After all, this page was created to throw away. It was it's purpose with life (if pages can have a life. LOL) I decide to keep the raw ripped edge after this page though as a reminder of it's existence.

After ripping out this page it felt natural to continue with the four letter words page behind it. I know that in English this page can be interpreted in two ways but for me as a Swede there's only one interpretation since bad words are not called four-letter words in Swedish (and since I curse extremely seldom I don't know enough bad words to fill up this page LOL)
Originally I had though to translate all these words in to English but I'm leaving this out since this update is big enough anyway. If you miss the translations BADLY, let me know and I'll add them later. LOL
What I've learned form this page? Well, I accidentally wrote some 5 letter words that I had to cross over, and thanks to the work I've done with this journal so far, this didn't actually bother me. It would have done so 2 weeks ago. Yay for journal wrecking!

Next I doodled on the title page and decided to us only blue and yellow sparkly pens. That in itself is a challenge since even though it's the Swedish colors, it's a color combination I very rarely use. I don't like it very much and since patriotism is pretty much considered a bad thing in Sweden I don't use it often for patriotic reasons either. Anyway, I still like how this page turned out. I guess all the white helped balance the colors. (Note the cut out ants)

I then realized that this page was almost done so I decided to finish it. I had already doodled on
the cover (I plan to do more to it later), the title page (see above) and
the instructions. All that was left was the copyright page and folding the corners, which I did today (Wednesday)

This is how the copyright page turned out. I used the sparkly pens this time too and I couldn't resist doing one of my stars/flowers.

Folding the corners was NOT fun though. I hate when people borrow my books and fold corners in them and these were my
favorite pages on top of everything. I picked
the ripped stripes,
the circle of seas,
the traced hand and
the doodled star on top of text as my favorites because of how they look. And then I added
the sleep/troll lullaby page because of the side effects. Poor pages, now they all have (small!) "dog ears" (that's what the folded corners are called in Swedish).

And finally I've added to more melon stickers today too (the rest of the fruit came without stickers this time) This is a kind of boring page to show you all the time but I want to document the entire journal wrecking as truthfully as possible. If I don't leave out pages because they're boring I will have less excuse to leave out pages that are hard to show.