I began with and easy task, cracking the spine. This was just needed to be able to work with the other exercises.
Then I continued with the name page (I've blurred my address and phonenumber of course) The thing I'm most happy with on this page is "my name in white". I've used a shimmering watercolor called "Iridescent Violet". It looks white most of the time but shifts to iridescent, shimmering purple at the right angle. (Unfortunately it looks boringly grayish in this photo)
This page IS still blank, but the tiny rebel in me enhanced the letters a bit with the same iridescent violet (that didn't photograph very well here either)
I've also started my fruit sticker collection. This page will take quite some time to fill. I DO eat a lot of fruit but way too much of it comes without stickers.
So far I have three orange stickers at the top, one banana sticker and then an apple sticker at the bottom.
And talking about stickers... they ARE after all sticky, VERY sticky even. But unlike things like honey, gum and glue and things like that, stickers are more well behaved and only sticky on one side. They also look a lot prettier. And well, the author SAID that the instructions were open to interpretations. LOL
A lot of the stickers are sparkly (like the fishes and the small round stickers with flowers) or metallic (like the frogs) but that doesn't show very well in the photos. Others, like the big pink, white and grey flowers are thick and soft and makes the journal a bit bulky. But I'm pretty sure that in a couple of days the journal will be too wrecked to notice this. LOL
I became so inspired that I decided to put some stickers on the front as well. Again, the frog is metallic and iridescent IRL. I guess that the first thing the perfectionist in me has to let go of is the thought of perfect photos. LOL
I love the start you made! Your name pages is really pretty! You are not the only one who used stickers on their sticky page ;)
I think the fruit sticker page will be a problem for me since I dont eat much fruit. Maybe there is a sticker on my avocado XD
I eat grapes and strawberries but those usually dont come with stickers... Only banana's XD Maybe I should just buy stickers with fruits on them XD
I know, I've seen other people using stickers as well.
Stickers with fruits on could actually be an interesting interpretation. I also doubt there will be many stickers on strawberries and grapes. LOL
I found a huge fruit sticker on my melon but it was impossible to remove it.
LOL, maybe I will go the the supermarket one day and just steal the stickers from the fruit department XD
I've read somewhere about someone doing this. LOL
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